2009 End of Year Ministry Story

Butibam, Lae, 2009.

EOY ministry 2009, new area, supported by Talair Church.

The meeting was an eye opener, complete new area, Lutheran strong-hold but ETS had a break through. Three (3) families openly confessed their desire to learn more about Christ.

Amala, Wabag, 2009.

EOY ministry 2009, Kibung site, conducted in Jan 2010

An eye opener for many who confessed never having heard message like this before. Singing was powerful and church was packed to capacity that program was brought outside. Though strong rains, people persisted in attendance. Motimer, new ETS member got baptised at Teremanda.

2009 End of Year Ministry Gallery

2009 Mid Year Ministry

Makana, 9 Mile, NCD, 2009.

Stewardship meeting, organised by stewardship department

The meeting was different from common stewardship meetings. The message was centred on the principal of giving—topic outlines not normally preached by pastors.

Evedahana, NCD, 2009

Revival Meeting, Open air.

Many expressed hearing Salvation so simplified that they now knew how to be saved.

Bomana Police College, NCD, 2009.

Stewardship meeting, Open air, residential area

Combined program with other denominations leading sing along and programs, ETS came in with meeting—others expressed truth in the message, including the college chaplain (United church Reverend).